About Us

Dawn Noble, the founder of Pure Heart Ministries, has been involved in the teaching ministry for the past 16 years.  Her desire to teach began at the age of 8 when her father purchased a chalkboard for her.  Later she graduated with a degree from Christian Life School of Theology to pursue God’s call.   As a seer, she is often able to bring healing and encouragement to broken hearts and bodies and call forth words of life and destiny to dead, hopeless situations.

Her passion is to see individuals made “shalom”, a state of wholeness of body, mind, and spirit..  She has a mandate on her life to equip believers with the foundational principles of the Word of God and to release the revelatory gifts to set the captives free.

As a former pastor she continues to have an intense desire to see Wheeling, WV and the surrounding Ohio Valley transformed by the power of God and come into its full destiny.  Planted in the mud at the mouth of a wide creek that flowed into the Ohio River, was a grisly symbol of skulls as a reminder that anyone who passed did so at great peril.  The people of the Delaware nation called this place “Weel-lunk”, Place of Skulls.  Mark 15:22 says, “And they brought Him to the place Golgotha, which is translated, place of a skull.  It is also referenced in Matthew 27:33.

She believes that Wheeling’s prophetic destiny is a place that truly represents all that happened at Golgotha – a place of salvation, reconciliation, restoration, deliverance, and healing, not a place of death as represented by the scalps and skulls of white men whose lives were taken by the Delaware native peoples.

Her radio program “Voice in the Wilderness” airs on WWVA 1170 AM, Wheeling, WV at 8pm Mondays.

Dawn is an avid gardener and loves hiking in the National Parks in particular Zion, Grand Canyon and Yellowstone.