November 2016 1


In Mark chapter 4, Jesus is sharing parables with His twelve disciples along with several other people.  Then when He was alone with just His disciples, He explained all things to them.  When evening came that same day, Jesus said for them to cross over to the other side of the lake.  The Bible says that a great windstorm arose and that the boat was filling with water because of the waves beating against it.

Jesus is in the stern, the back most part of the boat, asleep.  The disciples awoke Him and said, “Teacher, do You not care that we are perishing?”.  Then He arose and rebuked the wind and the waves saying, “Peace, be still!”  And the wind ceased and

there was a GREAT calm.

As you know from all the media whether newspaper, television, Facebook, or twitter, the country is in an uproar.  This is much tension, violence, division, and turbulence.  It’s palpable.  Many are concerned about the grave economic situation we face along with health insurance concerns.  We are facing a global crisis of terrorism with radical extremism within our own borders.  Racial clashes with the police are flashbacks to the 1960’s.  Who could have predicted that marijuana would be legal?  And heroin has surged like never before.  It’s not a pretty picture.  Feels like the boat is filling with water and we are going to perish.

I heard the Lord say that in the midst of this great turbulence, rocking and rolling, this way and that, two things are necessary. While you do live in the midst of this turbulence, you must not focus on the chaos.  Worry sucks the life out of you. Continue to look unto Me, the author and finisher of your faith.  Keep your eyes looking into My eyes.  I am the Prince of Peace, the author and embodiment of all Peace.  As you gaze upon Me, you will sense a great calmness.  Bring your needs to Me.  Remember, I know what they are before you speak them.  Secondly, I have given you authority to speak to the storm.  If a storm starts swirling around you, speak  “Peace, be still”.
Rest in knowing that you have everything you need to live in this world.  You have Me, the Prince of Peace, and you have the authority to speak peace into every situation.  Let your life reflect “and there was a GREAT calm”.